This is the penultimate day of this year, rather this decade. 30 December 2010. New decade will begin with new hopes, new aspirations, and new opportunities along with new problems, new challenges and new hardships. Before I start traversing the future, this is a good junction where I can stop. Stop and reflect on the past. Stop and prepare for the future. Next time when I will stop on similar junction, I would be emaciated, settled with life and in age bracket which is not considered young. Next time when I will stop, priorities would be changed but directions fixed, there would not be any course correction then.
So this is the day, this is the moment for me to see in which direction my sextant points. Is that the path I have to tread? If yes then how close I have inched towards the destination. If not then what are the amends for course correction. You can bring a ship to harbor without a light house and compass but you cannot lead a life without a goal. To achieve that goal, one has to do the cost-benefit analysis for each of the actions he has done in past and plans to do in future. Days like these are the perfect opportunities to do such arithmetic. You miss it and you lost it for a decade and by then life turns upside down.